You can receive scalp cooling if you have cancer in a tissue or an organ (for example, breast, colon, ovary, uterus, prostate, lungs). If you have cancer in the blood or lymph nodes, you are not eligible for scalp cooling.
Read more: type of cancer
Scalp cooling is possible if you receive chemotherapy via an infusion.
There are some very rare diseases with which scalp cooling cannot be used. These are primarily diseases in which cold cannot be tolerated well. Your physician can tell you more about that.
Read more: no scalp cooling with
The thickness or length of your hair is not important for scalp cooling. It is not a problem if your hair has been treated with a permanent or dye. The hair can also be permed or dyed between the treatments with chemotherapy: ask your stylist to use as few harmful substances (such as hydrogen peroxide) as possible. Also see the section ‘Hair growth and care’.