This website is intended for patients with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy and for whom there is a chance of hair loss. Hair loss is a side effect of many types of chemotherapy. Everyone experiences hair loss differently. Some patients are not bothered by it, while others think it is terrible.
This website is intended for patients with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy and for whom there is a chance of hair loss.
Hair loss is a side effect of many types of chemotherapy. Everyone experiences hair loss differently. Some patients are not bothered by it, while others think it is terrible.
Scalp cooling can prevent hair loss. With scalp cooling, you wear a cold cap on your head during and after the chemotherapy infusion. By cooling the scalp, the cells that produce hair are protected from the chemotherapy. This reduces the chance of hair loss.
Are you receiving chemotherapy? Then you have the choice of whether or not to receive scalp cooling during chemotherapy. The decision aid on this website can help you to take this decision. People decide in different ways, depending on what they think is important. Whether or not you choose scalp cooling has no influence on the rest of your treatment.
Start the decision aid to gain insight into the chance of hair loss with a certain type of chemotherapy, with or without scalp cooling.
If serious hair loss occurs, you can choose to display this to the outside world, to camouflage it with a wig or to wear a head covering.
You will gain insight into your chance of serious hair loss, with or without scalp cooling. After that, you will be asked for your opinions in a brief questionnaire. You will then not be given a recommendation for your choice, but an overview of your preferences with respect to hair loss and scalp cooling..